With the COVID-19 pandemic, various responses were taken to minimise disease transmission and impact, including the movement control order to prevent person to person spread.
The country is striving hard to control and contain the outbreak, rushing against time to learn from, adopt and adapt for the Malaysian context, experiences of other countries.
This study seeks to accelerate and assist this experiential learning, as input for the government’s decision making. To ensure timely provision of effective strategies informing policymakers, we are conducting rapid review synthesis using existing sources such as documents, reports, data files, and other written artefacts from local and key countries such as China, South Korea and Singapore.
Additionally, we conducted an opinion survey on Malaysia’s health system response to COVID-19, using the 2019-nCoV Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (WHO). This will be followed by an expert group discussion to identify potential strategies and gaps for improvement.
Currently, we are verifying information extracted from documents- you can see this at the COVID-19 Health Systems Response tab (or via http://maera.nih.gov.my/index.php/covid-19-health-systems-response). This is our compilation of strategies used in response to COVID-19 in Malaysia, presented chronologically based on document date.
We will update this and include key strategies from China, South Korea and Singapore for experiential learning purposes.
We welcome all comments for improvement, email us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NMRR-20-603-54409, MREC Ref : KKM/NIHSEC/ P20-738 ( 7 )